Full-Stack Developer

🤔 What does a Full-Stack Developer do?

Full-stack developers are the Swiss army knife of programming. They can do it all, from databases to the user interface.

💸 Full-Stack Developer salary and job market

💵  Entry Salary


💵  Senior Salary


📈 10-Year Growth


🤖 Automation Risk


🙎 What it's like to be a Full-Stack Developer

Wouldn’t be nice if companies chased you down and offered you well-paying jobs on a weekly basis? Welcome to the world of your average full-stack developer.

Full-stack developers have working knowledge of front-end and back-end technologies. They can build the things you see in an app, and the things you don’t like databases.

Because they know a bit about everything related to building software, they are in high-demand at startups and major companies like Google.

What's awesome about the job

  • Very high-demand

  • Flexibility to work remote

  • Dynamic position; you get to work with many different tools

What can be not-so-great

  • Potential to be overloaded

  • Pressure to have breadth of skills but not depth

🏢 What companies look for in a Full-Stack Developer


  • Degree in computer science, relevant experience, or a certification of completion from coding bootcamp or vocational school

Hard Skills

  • Portfolio of work (often on GitHub)

  • Collaborative experience with building software using control systems like Git

  • Proficiency with fundamental front end languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  • Familiarity with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular JS, React and Amber

  • Proficiency with server-side languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, PHP and .Net

  • Familiarity with database technology such as MySQL, Oracle and MongoDB

  • Working knowledge of cloud computing services like AWS and Azure

Soft Skills

  • Excellent verbal communication skills

  • Good problem-solving skills

  • Strong organizational and project management skills

How to become a Full-Stack Developer

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📖 Additional articles and resources